Rainbow Labyrinths
Abstracts from Mazes

These were made by taking large (800x600 path cells) random multicursal mazes and spectrum flood-filling them with the output wall width set to zero so the result is purely the path. This hid their maze origins leaving them looking like abstract artworks. I then reduced the images to 50% (in both dimensions) which (as well as saving bandwidth) hides the maze structure further by discarding every other row & column.

Abstract from Maze, 800 x 600 Cells, Length 0

maze 800 x 600 length 00 spectrum no wall

Abstract from Maze, 800 x 600 Cells, Length 50

maze 800 x 600 length 50 spectrum no wall


I used John Lauro's online CGI maze generator Maze Maker to generate the maze templates. See the Mazes page for more information.

More Rainbow Labyrinths

For more, go up to the Rainbow Labyrinth Gallery home page.