Biserka Bojerka - Summary

[Full notes] [Summary notes] [Other dances & the source code]

Region Serbia
Formation Open circle. V-hold.
Dance Structure Short sequence repeated throughout the music.
Music Structure 3 counts/bar, 4 bar phrases.
Introduction 8 bars.
Whole sequence To the R in R, L, Triple Step R. L in, R back, side Triple Step left.
Source Dance from Sally Fletcher in Ipswich, UK. Additional background from WWW searching by Alan Trangmar (with the region information from an article by Yves Moreau).
Date 2007/5/28. Typo corrected 2013/9/8. Name clarification 2017/4/13.

Disclaimer: Mistakes are quite likely in the notes and no guarantees are made as to accuracy. There may be other versions of the same dance or other dances with the same name. Music may differ, particularly in speed, introduction and duration, between performers. The division into parts, bars & counts might not be standard. These notes of the dance are freely distributable (under GPL or CC-by-sa) in so much as the note's author's contribution but I don't know if the dance choreography itself is copyrighted.

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