Krajdunavsko - Summary

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Region Bulgaria
Formation Circle, no hold.
Dance Structure ((A x 2) + (B x 4) + (C x 2) + (D x 4) + (E x 4) + ((F1 + F2) x 2) + (G x 2)) x 2.
Music Structure 4 counts/bar, 4 bar phrases.
Introduction Part G.
Part A Hands on hips. (Bouncing Grapevine L starting R across infront) x 3. R rock in with drop, L rock out with R flick, (R flick close, L side) x 2.
Part B Bouncing Grapevine. R forwards, L Back Bicycle, 2 quick steps out, quick bounce x 2.
Part C Hands up. (Bouncing Grapevine with syncopated hand flicks) x 2 ending with R stamp close. Pause, L in place, 6 Side Steps in R with syncopated claps in last 3, clap, pause.
Part D Hands behind back. R lift with knee circling to R close, Triple Step in place.
Part E (R ft Debka with clap during the step, Triple Step) in 1/4 solo circle .
Parts D & E alternative timing Follow music syncopation.
Part F1 V-hold. (R across, L in place, R side, L in place) x 1.75, pause. L stamp close, L side without weight, L stamp close, L side, repeat 2nd half of bar 1.
Part F1 alterntive styling Stamps across infront. Without weight step side infront.
Part F2 Part F1 mirrored.
Part G W-hold. ((R side heel, L across behind) x 3.5, pause, swing L close, pause, jump onto L ft, pause, 2.666 Cherkessias starting R across infront) x 3. R side, L swing close.
Part G alternative styling Miss out last (L across behind, R side) of each set using time for slower L swing with R hop.
Easier (wrong) Part G Miss out the pauses & do 4 repeats instead of 3.
Source Initial fragments from evening social dancing at the Balkan Festival in Zetten. Basis from Nico Mol when he visited Ipswich, UK. Holds in Parts D, F & G from Dorian at Balkan Plus in London, UK. Stamp & claps in Part C & bounces in Part A from Sally Fletcher in Ipswich. Some more details from evening social dancing at the Balkan Festival in subsequent years. Refinements from Corry Verheijen when she taught it in an SIFD day course in London on 2004/5/18. Clues to original version from seeing Jaap dance it at the Balkan Festival in 2006. Timing correction in Part C & additional stylistic variations from Jutta Malzbender in 2011.
Date Written 2001/9/12. Updated 2003/7/20, 2004/5/16, 2006/7/14, 2010/6/4, 2010/6/30, 2010/10/24, 2016/8/7 & 2016/8/23.

Disclaimer: Mistakes are quite likely in the notes and no guarantees are made as to accuracy. There may be other versions of the same dance or other dances with the same name. Music may differ, particularly in speed, introduction and duration, between performers. The division into parts, bars & counts might not be standard. These notes of the dance are freely distributable (under GPL or CC-by-sa) in so much as the note's author's contribution but the choreography and/or collection were by other people and so their copyright might apply to the dance itself. Better than using notes, go to a dance class where it is taught.

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