1903/1/1: 0113 = 01:13 = integer ratio of 1 to 13 1903/1/1: 030101 = 030:101 = each is palindrome 1903/1/1: 3101 = 31:01 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/1/2: 010203 = 01:02:03 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/1/2: 0123 = 0:1:2:3 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/1/2: 0123 = 01:23 = integer ratio of 1 to 23 1903/1/2: 0312 = 03:12 = integer ratio of 1 to 4 1903/1/2: 1203 = 12:03 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/1/2: 123 = 1:2:3 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/1/2: 2103 = 21:03 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/1/3: 010303 = 010:303 = each is palindrome 1903/1/3: 0133 = 01:33 = integer ratio of 1 to 33 1903/1/3: 30103 = palindrome 1903/1/3: 313 = palindrome 1903/1/4: 0143 = 01:43 = integer ratio of 1 to 43 1903/1/5: 0153 = 01:53 = integer ratio of 1 to 53 1903/1/5: 0315 = 03:15 = integer ratio of 1 to 5 1903/1/5: 1503 = 15:03 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1903/1/5: 3015 = 30:15 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1903/1/5: 5103 = 51:03 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/1/6: 0163 = 01:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 63 1903/1/7: 0173 = 01:73 = integer ratio of 1 to 73 1903/1/8: 0183 = 01:83 = integer ratio of 1 to 83 1903/1/8: 0318 = 03:18 = integer ratio of 1 to 6 1903/1/8: 1803 = 18:03 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1903/1/8: 8103 = 81:03 = integer ratio of 27 to 1 1903/1/9: 0193 = 01:93 = integer ratio of 1 to 93 1903/1/11: 030111 = 030:111 = each is palindrome 1903/1/13: 1133 = 11:33 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/1/13: 1133 = 11:33 = each is single digit 1903/1/13: 1133 = 11:33 = each is palindrome 1903/1/13: 1133 = 11:33 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/1/13: 1313 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/1/13: 3113 = palindrome 1903/1/18: 011803 = 011:803 = integer ratio of 1 to 73 1903/1/20: 012003 = 012:003 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/1/20: 030120 = 030:120 = integer ratio of 1 to 4 1903/1/20: 1203 = 12:03 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/1/21: 030121 = 030:121 = each is palindrome 1903/1/26: 2613 = 26:13 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1903/1/30: 03130 = palindrome 1903/1/30: 30103 = palindrome 1903/1/31: 030131 = 030:131 = each is palindrome 1903/1/31: 1313 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/1/31: 31013 = palindrome 1903/1/31: 3113 = palindrome 1903/1/31: 3131 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/2/1: 010203 = 01:02:03 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/2/1: 0123 = 0:1:2:3 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/2/1: 0123 = 01:23 = integer ratio of 1 to 23 1903/2/1: 030201 = 03:02:01 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/2/1: 0321 = 03:21 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1903/2/1: 1203 = 12:03 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/2/1: 123 = 1:2:3 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/2/1: 2103 = 21:03 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/2/1: 3201 = 32:01 = integer ratio of 32 to 1 1903/2/1: 321 = 3:2:1 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/2/2: 030202 = 030:202 = each is palindrome 1903/2/2: 3202 = 32:02 = integer ratio of 16 to 1 1903/2/3: 020303 = 020:303 = each is palindrome 1903/2/3: 30203 = palindrome 1903/2/3: 323 = palindrome 1903/2/4: 0324 = 03:24 = integer ratio of 1 to 8 1903/2/4: 2403 = 24:03 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1903/2/4: 3204 = 32:04 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1903/2/4: 4203 = 42:03 = integer ratio of 14 to 1 1903/2/7: 0327 = 03:27 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1903/2/7: 2703 = 27:03 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1903/2/7: 7203 = 72:03 = integer ratio of 24 to 1 1903/2/8: 3208 = 32:08 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/2/10: 021003 = 021:003 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/2/10: 030210 = 030:210 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1903/2/10: 2103 = 21:03 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/2/10: 3210 = 3:2:1:0 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/2/12: 030212 = 030:212 = each is palindrome 1903/2/16: 2163 = 21:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/2/16: 3216 = 32:16 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1903/2/19: 021903 = 021:903 = integer ratio of 1 to 43 1903/2/22: 030222 = 030:222 = each is palindrome 1903/2/23: 2233 = 22:33 = each is single digit 1903/2/23: 2233 = 22:33 = each is palindrome 1903/2/23: 2233 = 22:33 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/2/23: 2323 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/2/23: 3223 = palindrome 1903/3/1: 010303 = 010:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/1: 0133 = 01:33 = integer ratio of 1 to 33 1903/3/1: 30103 = palindrome 1903/3/1: 313 = palindrome 1903/3/1: 3301 = 33:01 = integer ratio of 33 to 1 1903/3/2: 020303 = 020:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/2: 30203 = palindrome 1903/3/2: 323 = palindrome 1903/3/3: 030303 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/3: 030303 = 030:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/3: 0333 = 03:33 = integer ratio of 1 to 11 1903/3/3: 30303 = palindrome 1903/3/3: 3303 = 33:03 = integer ratio of 11 to 1 1903/3/3: 333 = single digit 1903/3/3: 333 = palindrome 1903/3/3: 333 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/4: 040303 = 040:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/4: 30403 = palindrome 1903/3/4: 343 = palindrome 1903/3/5: 050303 = 050:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/5: 30503 = palindrome 1903/3/5: 351903 = 35:19:03 = arthimetic series of increment -16 1903/3/5: 353 = palindrome 1903/3/6: 0336 = 03:36 = integer ratio of 1 to 12 1903/3/6: 0363 = 03:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 21 1903/3/6: 060303 = 060:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/6: 30603 = palindrome 1903/3/6: 3603 = 36:03 = integer ratio of 12 to 1 1903/3/6: 363 = palindrome 1903/3/6: 6303 = 63:03 = integer ratio of 21 to 1 1903/3/7: 070303 = 070:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/7: 30703 = palindrome 1903/3/7: 373 = palindrome 1903/3/8: 080303 = 080:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/8: 30803 = palindrome 1903/3/8: 383 = palindrome 1903/3/9: 0339 = 03:39 = integer ratio of 1 to 13 1903/3/9: 0393 = 03:93 = integer ratio of 1 to 31 1903/3/9: 090303 = 090:303 = each is palindrome 1903/3/9: 30903 = palindrome 1903/3/9: 3091903 = palindrome 1903/3/9: 3903 = 39:03 = integer ratio of 13 to 1 1903/3/9: 393 = palindrome 1903/3/9: 9303 = 93:03 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/3/11: 1133 = 11:33 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/3/11: 1133 = 11:33 = each is single digit 1903/3/11: 1133 = 11:33 = each is palindrome 1903/3/11: 1133 = 11:33 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/11: 3113 = palindrome 1903/3/11: 3311 = 33:11 = integer ratio of 3 to 1 1903/3/11: 3311 = 33:11 = each is single digit 1903/3/11: 3311 = 33:11 = each is palindrome 1903/3/11: 3311 = 33:11 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/13: 030313 = 030:313 = each is palindrome 1903/3/14: 031403 = 031:403 = integer ratio of 1 to 13 1903/3/19: 19031903 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/19: 3193 = 31:93 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/3/22: 2233 = 22:33 = each is single digit 1903/3/22: 2233 = 22:33 = each is palindrome 1903/3/22: 2233 = 22:33 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/22: 3223 = palindrome 1903/3/22: 3322 = 33:22 = each is single digit 1903/3/22: 3322 = 33:22 = each is palindrome 1903/3/22: 3322 = 33:22 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/3/23: 030323 = 030:323 = each is palindrome 1903/3/30: 030330 = 030:330 = integer ratio of 1 to 11 1903/3/30: 033003 = 033:003 = integer ratio of 11 to 1 1903/3/30: 03330 = palindrome 1903/3/30: 30303 = palindrome 1903/3/30: 3303 = 33:03 = integer ratio of 11 to 1 1903/4/1: 0143 = 01:43 = integer ratio of 1 to 43 1903/4/1: 3401 = 34:01 = integer ratio of 34 to 1 1903/4/2: 0342 = 03:42 = integer ratio of 1 to 14 1903/4/2: 2403 = 24:03 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1903/4/2: 3402 = 34:02 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/4/2: 4203 = 42:03 = integer ratio of 14 to 1 1903/4/3: 040303 = 040:303 = each is palindrome 1903/4/3: 30403 = palindrome 1903/4/3: 343 = palindrome 1903/4/4: 030404 = 030:404 = each is palindrome 1903/4/5: 030405 = 03:04:05 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/4/5: 0345 = 03:45 = integer ratio of 1 to 15 1903/4/5: 050403 = 05:04:03 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/4/5: 345 = 3:4:5 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1903/4/5: 4503 = 45:03 = integer ratio of 15 to 1 1903/4/5: 5403 = 54:03 = integer ratio of 18 to 1 1903/4/5: 543 = 5:4:3 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/4/8: 0348 = 03:48 = integer ratio of 1 to 16 1903/4/8: 4803 = 48:03 = integer ratio of 16 to 1 1903/4/8: 8403 = 84:03 = integer ratio of 28 to 1 1903/4/14: 030414 = 030:414 = each is palindrome 1903/4/17: 3417 = 34:17 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1903/4/20: 030420 = 030:420 = integer ratio of 1 to 14 1903/4/20: 042003 = 042:003 = integer ratio of 14 to 1 1903/4/20: 4203 = 42:03 = integer ratio of 14 to 1 1903/4/24: 030424 = 030:424 = each is palindrome 1903/4/30: 03430 = palindrome 1903/4/30: 30403 = palindrome 1903/5/1: 0153 = 01:53 = integer ratio of 1 to 53 1903/5/1: 0351 = 03:51 = integer ratio of 1 to 17 1903/5/1: 1503 = 15:03 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1903/5/1: 3501 = 35:01 = integer ratio of 35 to 1 1903/5/1: 5103 = 51:03 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/5/3: 050303 = 050:303 = each is palindrome 1903/5/3: 30503 = palindrome 1903/5/3: 351903 = 35:19:03 = arthimetic series of increment -16 1903/5/3: 353 = palindrome 1903/5/4: 0354 = 03:54 = integer ratio of 1 to 18 1903/5/4: 050403 = 05:04:03 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/5/4: 4503 = 45:03 = integer ratio of 15 to 1 1903/5/4: 5403 = 54:03 = integer ratio of 18 to 1 1903/5/4: 543 = 5:4:3 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1903/5/5: 030505 = 030:505 = each is palindrome 1903/5/5: 3505 = 35:05 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/5/7: 030507 = 03:05:07 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1903/5/7: 0357 = 03:57 = integer ratio of 1 to 19 1903/5/7: 070503 = 07:05:03 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1903/5/7: 3507 = 35:07 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1903/5/7: 357 = 3:5:7 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1903/5/7: 5703 = 57:03 = integer ratio of 19 to 1 1903/5/7: 7503 = 75:03 = integer ratio of 25 to 1 1903/5/7: 753 = 7:5:3 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1903/5/10: 030510 = 030:510 = integer ratio of 1 to 17 1903/5/10: 051003 = 051:003 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/5/10: 5103 = 51:03 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/5/15: 030515 = 030:515 = each is palindrome 1903/5/21: 5213 = 52:13 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/5/25: 030525 = 030:525 = each is palindrome 1903/5/30: 03530 = palindrome 1903/5/30: 30503 = palindrome 1903/6/1: 0163 = 01:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 63 1903/6/1: 3601 = 36:01 = integer ratio of 36 to 1 1903/6/2: 3602 = 36:02 = integer ratio of 18 to 1 1903/6/3: 0363 = 03:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 21 1903/6/3: 060303 = 060:303 = each is palindrome 1903/6/3: 30603 = palindrome 1903/6/3: 3603 = 36:03 = integer ratio of 12 to 1 1903/6/3: 363 = palindrome 1903/6/3: 6303 = 63:03 = integer ratio of 21 to 1 1903/6/4: 3604 = 36:04 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1903/6/6: 030606 = 030:606 = each is palindrome 1903/6/6: 0366 = 03:66 = integer ratio of 1 to 22 1903/6/6: 3606 = 36:06 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1903/6/6: 6603 = 66:03 = integer ratio of 22 to 1 1903/6/7: 0763 = 07:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1903/6/9: 030609 = 03:06:09 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1903/6/9: 0369 = 0:3:6:9 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1903/6/9: 0369 = 03:69 = integer ratio of 1 to 23 1903/6/9: 090603 = 09:06:03 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1903/6/9: 0963 = 09:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1903/6/9: 3609 = 36:09 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/6/9: 369 = 3:6:9 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1903/6/9: 6903 = 69:03 = integer ratio of 23 to 1 1903/6/9: 9603 = 96:03 = integer ratio of 32 to 1 1903/6/9: 963 = 9:6:3 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1903/6/12: 030612 = 03:06:12 = geometric series of ratio 2 1903/6/12: 120603 = 12:06:03 = geometric series of ratio 0.5 1903/6/12: 3612 = 36:12 = integer ratio of 3 to 1 1903/6/16: 030616 = 030:616 = each is palindrome 1903/6/18: 3618 = 36:18 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1903/6/21: 2163 = 21:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/6/26: 030626 = 030:626 = each is palindrome 1903/6/30: 030630 = 030:630 = integer ratio of 1 to 21 1903/6/30: 03630 = palindrome 1903/6/30: 063003 = 063:003 = integer ratio of 21 to 1 1903/6/30: 30603 = palindrome 1903/6/30: 6303 = 63:03 = integer ratio of 21 to 1 1903/7/1: 0173 = 01:73 = integer ratio of 1 to 73 1903/7/1: 3701 = 37:01 = integer ratio of 37 to 1 1903/7/2: 0372 = 03:72 = integer ratio of 1 to 24 1903/7/2: 2703 = 27:03 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1903/7/2: 7203 = 72:03 = integer ratio of 24 to 1 1903/7/3: 070303 = 070:303 = each is palindrome 1903/7/3: 30703 = palindrome 1903/7/3: 373 = palindrome 1903/7/5: 0375 = 03:75 = integer ratio of 1 to 25 1903/7/5: 070503 = 07:05:03 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1903/7/5: 5703 = 57:03 = integer ratio of 19 to 1 1903/7/5: 7503 = 75:03 = integer ratio of 25 to 1 1903/7/5: 753 = 7:5:3 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1903/7/6: 0763 = 07:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1903/7/7: 030707 = 030:707 = each is palindrome 1903/7/8: 0378 = 03:78 = integer ratio of 1 to 26 1903/7/8: 7803 = 78:03 = integer ratio of 26 to 1 1903/7/8: 8703 = 87:03 = integer ratio of 29 to 1 1903/7/11: 030711 = 03:07:11 = arthimetic series of increment 4 1903/7/11: 110703 = 11:07:03 = arthimetic series of increment -4 1903/7/17: 030717 = 030:717 = each is palindrome 1903/7/20: 030720 = 030:720 = integer ratio of 1 to 24 1903/7/20: 072003 = 072:003 = integer ratio of 24 to 1 1903/7/20: 7203 = 72:03 = integer ratio of 24 to 1 1903/7/27: 030727 = 030:727 = each is palindrome 1903/7/30: 03730 = palindrome 1903/7/30: 30703 = palindrome 1903/8/1: 0183 = 01:83 = integer ratio of 1 to 83 1903/8/1: 0381 = 03:81 = integer ratio of 1 to 27 1903/8/1: 1803 = 18:03 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1903/8/1: 3801 = 38:01 = integer ratio of 38 to 1 1903/8/1: 8103 = 81:03 = integer ratio of 27 to 1 1903/8/2: 3802 = 38:02 = integer ratio of 19 to 1 1903/8/3: 080303 = 080:303 = each is palindrome 1903/8/3: 30803 = palindrome 1903/8/3: 383 = palindrome 1903/8/4: 0384 = 03:84 = integer ratio of 1 to 28 1903/8/4: 4803 = 48:03 = integer ratio of 16 to 1 1903/8/4: 8403 = 84:03 = integer ratio of 28 to 1 1903/8/7: 0387 = 03:87 = integer ratio of 1 to 29 1903/8/7: 7803 = 78:03 = integer ratio of 26 to 1 1903/8/7: 8703 = 87:03 = integer ratio of 29 to 1 1903/8/8: 030808 = 030:808 = each is palindrome 1903/8/10: 030810 = 030:810 = integer ratio of 1 to 27 1903/8/10: 081003 = 081:003 = integer ratio of 27 to 1 1903/8/10: 8103 = 81:03 = integer ratio of 27 to 1 1903/8/13: 030813 = 03:08:13 = arthimetic series of increment 5 1903/8/13: 130803 = 13:08:03 = arthimetic series of increment -5 1903/8/18: 030818 = 030:818 = each is palindrome 1903/8/19: 3819 = 38:19 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1903/8/28: 030828 = 030:828 = each is palindrome 1903/8/30: 03830 = palindrome 1903/8/30: 30803 = palindrome 1903/9/1: 0193 = 01:93 = integer ratio of 1 to 93 1903/9/1: 1903091 = palindrome 1903/9/1: 3901 = 39:01 = integer ratio of 39 to 1 1903/9/3: 0393 = 03:93 = integer ratio of 1 to 31 1903/9/3: 090303 = 090:303 = each is palindrome 1903/9/3: 30903 = palindrome 1903/9/3: 3091903 = palindrome 1903/9/3: 3903 = 39:03 = integer ratio of 13 to 1 1903/9/3: 393 = palindrome 1903/9/3: 9303 = 93:03 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/9/6: 0396 = 03:96 = integer ratio of 1 to 32 1903/9/6: 090603 = 09:06:03 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1903/9/6: 0963 = 09:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1903/9/6: 6903 = 69:03 = integer ratio of 23 to 1 1903/9/6: 9603 = 96:03 = integer ratio of 32 to 1 1903/9/6: 963 = 9:6:3 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1903/9/9: 030909 = 030:909 = each is palindrome 1903/9/9: 0399 = 03:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 33 1903/9/9: 9903 = 99:03 = integer ratio of 33 to 1 1903/9/11: 9113 = 91:13 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/9/13: 3913 = 39:13 = integer ratio of 3 to 1 1903/9/15: 030915 = 03:09:15 = arthimetic series of increment 6 1903/9/15: 150903 = 15:09:03 = arthimetic series of increment -6 1903/9/19: 030919 = 030:919 = each is palindrome 1903/9/22: 9223 = 92:23 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1903/9/27: 030927 = 03:09:27 = geometric series of ratio 3 1903/9/27: 270903 = 27:09:03 = geometric series of ratio 0.333333333333333 1903/9/29: 030929 = 030:929 = each is palindrome 1903/9/30: 030930 = 030:930 = integer ratio of 1 to 31 1903/9/30: 03930 = palindrome 1903/9/30: 093003 = 093:003 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/9/30: 30903 = palindrome 1903/9/30: 3091903 = palindrome 1903/9/30: 9303 = 93:03 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/10/1: 031001 = 031:001 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/10/1: 3101 = 31:01 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1903/10/2: 021003 = 021:003 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/10/2: 2103 = 21:03 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/10/5: 051003 = 051:003 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/10/5: 5103 = 51:03 = integer ratio of 17 to 1 1903/10/8: 081003 = 081:003 = integer ratio of 27 to 1 1903/10/8: 8103 = 81:03 = integer ratio of 27 to 1 1903/10/11: 111003 = 111:003 = integer ratio of 37 to 1 1903/10/13: 101303 = 101:303 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/10/13: 101303 = 101:303 = each is palindrome 1903/10/13: 31013 = palindrome 1903/10/14: 141003 = 141:003 = integer ratio of 47 to 1 1903/10/17: 031017 = 03:10:17 = arthimetic series of increment 7 1903/10/17: 171003 = 17:10:03 = arthimetic series of increment -7 1903/10/17: 171003 = 171:003 = integer ratio of 57 to 1 1903/10/20: 102003 = 102:003 = integer ratio of 34 to 1 1903/10/20: 201003 = 201:003 = integer ratio of 67 to 1 1903/10/23: 231003 = 231:003 = integer ratio of 77 to 1 1903/10/26: 261003 = 261:003 = integer ratio of 87 to 1 1903/10/29: 291003 = 291:003 = integer ratio of 97 to 1 1903/10/30: 30103 = palindrome 1903/10/31: 031031 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/10/31: 103103 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/11/3: 1133 = 11:33 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1903/11/3: 1133 = 11:33 = each is single digit 1903/11/3: 1133 = 11:33 = each is palindrome 1903/11/3: 1133 = 11:33 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1903/11/3: 3113 = palindrome 1903/11/7: 110703 = 11:07:03 = arthimetic series of increment -4 1903/11/9: 9113 = 91:13 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1903/11/10: 111003 = 111:003 = integer ratio of 37 to 1 1903/11/13: 111303 = 111:303 = each is palindrome 1903/11/13: 31113 = palindrome 1903/11/19: 031119 = 03:11:19 = arthimetic series of increment 8 1903/11/19: 191103 = 19:11:03 = arthimetic series of increment -8 1903/11/24: 031124 = 031:124 = integer ratio of 1 to 4 1903/11/30: 031130 = palindrome 1903/11/30: 301103 = palindrome 1903/12/6: 120603 = 12:06:03 = geometric series of ratio 0.5 1903/12/13: 121303 = 121:303 = each is palindrome 1903/12/13: 31213 = palindrome 1903/12/17: 031217 = 031:217 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1903/12/21: 031221 = 03:12:21 = arthimetic series of increment 9 1903/12/21: 211203 = 21:12:03 = arthimetic series of increment -9 1903/12/30: 123003 = 123:003 = integer ratio of 41 to 1