1909/1/1: 0119 = 01:19 = integer ratio of 1 to 19 1909/1/1: 090101 = 090:101 = each is palindrome 1909/1/1: 111909 = 111:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/1: 9101 = 91:01 = integer ratio of 91 to 1 1909/1/2: 0129 = 01:29 = integer ratio of 1 to 29 1909/1/2: 121909 = 121:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/3: 010309 = 01:03:09 = geometric series of ratio 3 1909/1/3: 0139 = 01:39 = integer ratio of 1 to 39 1909/1/3: 131909 = 131:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/3: 139 = 1:3:9 = geometric series of ratio 3 1909/1/4: 0149 = 01:49 = integer ratio of 1 to 49 1909/1/4: 141909 = 141:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/5: 010509 = 01:05:09 = arthimetic series of increment 4 1909/1/5: 0159 = 01:59 = integer ratio of 1 to 59 1909/1/5: 151909 = 151:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/5: 159 = 1:5:9 = arthimetic series of increment 4 1909/1/5: 9015 = 90:15 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1909/1/6: 010609 = 010:609 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/6: 0169 = 01:69 = integer ratio of 1 to 69 1909/1/6: 161909 = 161:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/6: 60109 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/6: 619 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/6: 90106 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/6: 916 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/7: 0179 = 01:79 = integer ratio of 1 to 79 1909/1/7: 171909 = 171:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/7: 9107 = 91:07 = integer ratio of 13 to 1 1909/1/8: 0189 = 01:89 = integer ratio of 1 to 89 1909/1/8: 0918 = 09:18 = integer ratio of 1 to 2 1909/1/8: 1809 = 18:09 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1909/1/8: 181909 = 181:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/8: 8109 = 81:09 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/1/8: 9018 = 90:18 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1909/1/9: 010909 = 010:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/9: 0199 = 01:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 99 1909/1/9: 191909 = 191:909 = each is palindrome 1909/1/9: 90109 = palindrome 1909/1/9: 919 = palindrome 1909/1/11: 090111 = 090:111 = each is palindrome 1909/1/12: 011209 = 011:209 = integer ratio of 1 to 19 1909/1/13: 9113 = 91:13 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/1/16: 1169 = 11:69 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/16: 9116 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/1/19: 1199 = 11:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1909/1/19: 1199 = 11:99 = each is single digit 1909/1/19: 1199 = 11:99 = each is palindrome 1909/1/19: 1199 = 11:99 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/1/19: 1919 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/1/19: 9119 = palindrome 1909/1/21: 090121 = 090:121 = each is palindrome 1909/1/31: 090131 = 090:131 = each is palindrome 1909/2/1: 0129 = 01:29 = integer ratio of 1 to 29 1909/2/1: 121909 = 121:909 = each is palindrome 1909/2/1: 9201 = 92:01 = integer ratio of 92 to 1 1909/2/2: 090202 = 090:202 = each is palindrome 1909/2/2: 9202 = 92:02 = integer ratio of 46 to 1 1909/2/4: 9204 = 92:04 = integer ratio of 23 to 1 1909/2/7: 0927 = 09:27 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1909/2/7: 2709 = 27:09 = integer ratio of 3 to 1 1909/2/7: 7209 = 72:09 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1909/2/9: 020909 = 020:909 = each is palindrome 1909/2/9: 291909 = 29:19:09 = arthimetic series of increment -10 1909/2/9: 90209 = palindrome 1909/2/9: 929 = palindrome 1909/2/12: 090212 = 090:212 = each is palindrome 1909/2/16: 021609 = 021:609 = integer ratio of 1 to 29 1909/2/22: 090222 = 090:222 = each is palindrome 1909/2/23: 9223 = 92:23 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1909/3/1: 010309 = 01:03:09 = geometric series of ratio 3 1909/3/1: 0139 = 01:39 = integer ratio of 1 to 39 1909/3/1: 090301 = 09:03:01 = geometric series of ratio 0.333333333333333 1909/3/1: 131909 = 131:909 = each is palindrome 1909/3/1: 139 = 1:3:9 = geometric series of ratio 3 1909/3/1: 9301 = 93:01 = integer ratio of 93 to 1 1909/3/1: 931 = 9:3:1 = geometric series of ratio 0.333333333333333 1909/3/3: 0339 = 03:39 = integer ratio of 1 to 13 1909/3/3: 090303 = 090:303 = each is palindrome 1909/3/3: 9303 = 93:03 = integer ratio of 31 to 1 1909/3/6: 030609 = 03:06:09 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/3/6: 0369 = 0:3:6:9 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/3/6: 0369 = 03:69 = integer ratio of 1 to 23 1909/3/6: 0936 = 09:36 = integer ratio of 1 to 4 1909/3/6: 3609 = 36:09 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1909/3/6: 369 = 3:6:9 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/3/6: 6309 = 63:09 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/3/9: 030909 = 030:909 = each is palindrome 1909/3/9: 0399 = 03:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 33 1909/3/9: 90309 = palindrome 1909/3/9: 939 = palindrome 1909/3/13: 090313 = 090:313 = each is palindrome 1909/3/13: 1339 = 13:39 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1909/3/23: 090323 = 090:323 = each is palindrome 1909/3/31: 9331 = 93:31 = integer ratio of 3 to 1 1909/4/1: 0149 = 01:49 = integer ratio of 1 to 49 1909/4/1: 141909 = 141:909 = each is palindrome 1909/4/1: 9401 = 94:01 = integer ratio of 94 to 1 1909/4/2: 9402 = 94:02 = integer ratio of 47 to 1 1909/4/4: 090404 = 090:404 = each is palindrome 1909/4/5: 0945 = 09:45 = integer ratio of 1 to 5 1909/4/5: 4509 = 45:09 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1909/4/5: 5409 = 54:09 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1909/4/5: 9045 = 90:45 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1909/4/6: 040609 = 04:06:09 = geometric series of ratio 1.5 1909/4/6: 469 = 4:6:9 = geometric series of ratio 1.5 1909/4/7: 0749 = 07:49 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1909/4/9: 040909 = 040:909 = each is palindrome 1909/4/9: 90409 = palindrome 1909/4/9: 949 = palindrome 1909/4/14: 090414 = 090:414 = each is palindrome 1909/4/24: 090424 = 090:424 = each is palindrome 1909/5/1: 010509 = 01:05:09 = arthimetic series of increment 4 1909/5/1: 0159 = 01:59 = integer ratio of 1 to 59 1909/5/1: 090501 = 09:05:01 = arthimetic series of increment -4 1909/5/1: 151909 = 151:909 = each is palindrome 1909/5/1: 159 = 1:5:9 = arthimetic series of increment 4 1909/5/1: 9501 = 95:01 = integer ratio of 95 to 1 1909/5/1: 951 = 9:5:1 = arthimetic series of increment -4 1909/5/4: 0954 = 09:54 = integer ratio of 1 to 6 1909/5/4: 4509 = 45:09 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1909/5/4: 5409 = 54:09 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1909/5/5: 090505 = 090:505 = each is palindrome 1909/5/5: 9505 = 95:05 = integer ratio of 19 to 1 1909/5/7: 050709 = 05:07:09 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1909/5/7: 579 = 5:7:9 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1909/5/9: 050909 = 050:909 = each is palindrome 1909/5/9: 90509 = palindrome 1909/5/9: 959 = palindrome 1909/5/15: 090515 = 090:515 = each is palindrome 1909/5/19: 9519 = 95:19 = integer ratio of 5 to 1 1909/5/25: 090525 = 090:525 = each is palindrome 1909/6/1: 010609 = 010:609 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/1: 0169 = 01:69 = integer ratio of 1 to 69 1909/6/1: 161909 = 161:909 = each is palindrome 1909/6/1: 60109 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/1: 619 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/1: 9601 = 96:01 = integer ratio of 96 to 1 1909/6/2: 9602 = 96:02 = integer ratio of 48 to 1 1909/6/3: 030609 = 03:06:09 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/6/3: 0369 = 0:3:6:9 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/6/3: 0369 = 03:69 = integer ratio of 1 to 23 1909/6/3: 090603 = 09:06:03 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1909/6/3: 0963 = 09:63 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1909/6/3: 3609 = 36:09 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1909/6/3: 369 = 3:6:9 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/6/3: 6309 = 63:09 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/6/3: 9603 = 96:03 = integer ratio of 32 to 1 1909/6/3: 963 = 9:6:3 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1909/6/4: 040609 = 04:06:09 = geometric series of ratio 1.5 1909/6/4: 090604 = 09:06:04 = geometric series of ratio 0.666666666666667 1909/6/4: 469 = 4:6:9 = geometric series of ratio 1.5 1909/6/4: 9604 = 96:04 = integer ratio of 24 to 1 1909/6/4: 964 = 9:6:4 = geometric series of ratio 0.666666666666667 1909/6/6: 090606 = 090:606 = each is palindrome 1909/6/6: 6061909 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/6: 9606 = 96:06 = integer ratio of 16 to 1 1909/6/8: 9608 = 96:08 = integer ratio of 12 to 1 1909/6/9: 060909 = 060:909 = each is palindrome 1909/6/9: 90609 = palindrome 1909/6/9: 969 = palindrome 1909/6/11: 1169 = 11:69 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/11: 6119 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/11: 9611 = 96:11 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/6/12: 9612 = 96:12 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1909/6/16: 090616 = 090:616 = each is palindrome 1909/6/16: 9616 = 96:16 = integer ratio of 6 to 1 1909/6/23: 2369 = 23:69 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1909/6/24: 9624 = 96:24 = integer ratio of 4 to 1 1909/6/26: 090626 = 090:626 = each is palindrome 1909/6/30: 063009 = 063:009 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/6/30: 090630 = 090:630 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1909/6/30: 6309 = 63:09 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/6/30: 9630 = 9:6:3:0 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1909/7/1: 0179 = 01:79 = integer ratio of 1 to 79 1909/7/1: 171909 = 171:909 = each is palindrome 1909/7/1: 9701 = 97:01 = integer ratio of 97 to 1 1909/7/2: 0972 = 09:72 = integer ratio of 1 to 8 1909/7/2: 2709 = 27:09 = integer ratio of 3 to 1 1909/7/2: 7209 = 72:09 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1909/7/4: 0749 = 07:49 = integer ratio of 1 to 7 1909/7/5: 050709 = 05:07:09 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1909/7/5: 090705 = 09:07:05 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1909/7/5: 579 = 5:7:9 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1909/7/5: 975 = 9:7:5 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1909/7/7: 090707 = 090:707 = each is palindrome 1909/7/8: 070809 = 07:08:09 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1909/7/8: 789 = 7:8:9 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1909/7/9: 070909 = 070:909 = each is palindrome 1909/7/9: 90709 = palindrome 1909/7/9: 979 = palindrome 1909/7/17: 090717 = 090:717 = each is palindrome 1909/7/20: 072009 = 072:009 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1909/7/20: 090720 = 090:720 = integer ratio of 1 to 8 1909/7/20: 7209 = 72:09 = integer ratio of 8 to 1 1909/7/27: 090727 = 090:727 = each is palindrome 1909/8/1: 0189 = 01:89 = integer ratio of 1 to 89 1909/8/1: 0981 = 09:81 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1909/8/1: 1809 = 18:09 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1909/8/1: 181909 = 181:909 = each is palindrome 1909/8/1: 8109 = 81:09 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/8/1: 9801 = 98:01 = integer ratio of 98 to 1 1909/8/2: 9802 = 98:02 = integer ratio of 49 to 1 1909/8/7: 070809 = 07:08:09 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1909/8/7: 090807 = 09:08:07 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1909/8/7: 789 = 7:8:9 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1909/8/7: 9807 = 98:07 = integer ratio of 14 to 1 1909/8/7: 987 = 9:8:7 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1909/8/8: 090808 = 090:808 = each is palindrome 1909/8/9: 080909 = 080:909 = each is palindrome 1909/8/9: 90809 = palindrome 1909/8/9: 989 = palindrome 1909/8/10: 081009 = 081:009 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/8/10: 090810 = 090:810 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1909/8/10: 8109 = 81:09 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/8/14: 9814 = 98:14 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/8/18: 090818 = 090:818 = each is palindrome 1909/8/28: 090828 = 090:828 = each is palindrome 1909/9/1: 010909 = 010:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/1: 0199 = 01:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 99 1909/9/1: 1909091 = palindrome 1909/9/1: 191909 = 191:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/1: 90109 = palindrome 1909/9/1: 919 = palindrome 1909/9/1: 9901 = 99:01 = integer ratio of 99 to 1 1909/9/2: 020909 = 020:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/2: 291909 = 29:19:09 = arthimetic series of increment -10 1909/9/2: 90209 = palindrome 1909/9/2: 929 = palindrome 1909/9/3: 030909 = 030:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/3: 0399 = 03:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 33 1909/9/3: 90309 = palindrome 1909/9/3: 939 = palindrome 1909/9/3: 9903 = 99:03 = integer ratio of 33 to 1 1909/9/4: 040909 = 040:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/4: 90409 = palindrome 1909/9/4: 949 = palindrome 1909/9/5: 050909 = 050:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/5: 90509 = palindrome 1909/9/5: 959 = palindrome 1909/9/6: 060909 = 060:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/6: 90609 = palindrome 1909/9/6: 969 = palindrome 1909/9/7: 070909 = 070:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/7: 90709 = palindrome 1909/9/7: 979 = palindrome 1909/9/8: 080909 = 080:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/8: 90809 = palindrome 1909/9/8: 989 = palindrome 1909/9/9: 090909 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/9: 090909 = 090:909 = each is palindrome 1909/9/9: 0999 = 09:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 11 1909/9/9: 90909 = palindrome 1909/9/9: 9091909 = palindrome 1909/9/9: 9909 = 99:09 = integer ratio of 11 to 1 1909/9/9: 999 = single digit 1909/9/9: 999 = palindrome 1909/9/9: 999 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/11: 1199 = 11:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1909/9/11: 1199 = 11:99 = each is single digit 1909/9/11: 1199 = 11:99 = each is palindrome 1909/9/11: 1199 = 11:99 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/11: 9119 = palindrome 1909/9/11: 9911 = 99:11 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/9/11: 9911 = 99:11 = each is single digit 1909/9/11: 9911 = 99:11 = each is palindrome 1909/9/11: 9911 = 99:11 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/19: 090919 = 090:919 = each is palindrome 1909/9/19: 19091909 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/22: 2299 = 22:99 = each is single digit 1909/9/22: 2299 = 22:99 = each is palindrome 1909/9/22: 2299 = 22:99 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/22: 9229 = palindrome 1909/9/22: 9922 = 99:22 = each is single digit 1909/9/22: 9922 = 99:22 = each is palindrome 1909/9/22: 9922 = 99:22 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/9/29: 090929 = 090:929 = each is palindrome 1909/10/1: 091001 = 091:001 = integer ratio of 91 to 1 1909/10/1: 9101 = 91:01 = integer ratio of 91 to 1 1909/10/7: 091007 = 091:007 = integer ratio of 13 to 1 1909/10/7: 9107 = 91:07 = integer ratio of 13 to 1 1909/10/8: 081009 = 081:009 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/10/8: 8109 = 81:09 = integer ratio of 9 to 1 1909/10/11: 091011 = 09:10:11 = arthimetic series of increment 1 1909/10/11: 111009 = 11:10:09 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1909/10/13: 091013 = 091:013 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/10/16: 101609 = 101:609 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/10/16: 91016 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/10/17: 171009 = 171:009 = integer ratio of 19 to 1 1909/10/19: 101909 = 101:909 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1909/10/19: 101909 = 101:909 = each is palindrome 1909/10/19: 91019 = palindrome 1909/10/26: 261009 = 261:009 = integer ratio of 29 to 1 1909/11/3: 9113 = 91:13 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1909/11/6: 1169 = 11:69 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/11/6: 6119 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/11/6: 9116 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/11/9: 1199 = 11:99 = integer ratio of 1 to 9 1909/11/9: 1199 = 11:99 = each is single digit 1909/11/9: 1199 = 11:99 = each is palindrome 1909/11/9: 1199 = 11:99 = each is cyclic permutation symmetric 1909/11/9: 9119 = palindrome 1909/11/10: 111009 = 11:10:09 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1909/11/13: 091113 = 09:11:13 = arthimetic series of increment 2 1909/11/13: 131109 = 13:11:09 = arthimetic series of increment -2 1909/11/16: 111609 = 111:609 = each is 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/11/16: 91116 = 180 deg rotationally symmetric 1909/11/19: 111909 = 111:909 = each is palindrome 1909/11/19: 91119 = palindrome 1909/12/1: 011209 = 011:209 = integer ratio of 1 to 19 1909/12/15: 091215 = 09:12:15 = arthimetic series of increment 3 1909/12/15: 151209 = 15:12:09 = arthimetic series of increment -3 1909/12/16: 091216 = 09:12:16 = geometric series of ratio 1.33333333333333 1909/12/16: 161209 = 16:12:09 = geometric series of ratio 0.75 1909/12/19: 121909 = 121:909 = each is palindrome 1909/12/19: 91219 = palindrome