1943/1/3: 010343 = 010:343 = each is palindrome 1943/1/11: 011143 = 011:143 = integer ratio of 1 to 13 1943/1/22: 012243 = 01:22:43 = arthimetic series of increment 21 1943/1/31: 013143 = 013:143 = integer ratio of 1 to 11 1943/2/1: 4321 = 4:3:2:1 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1943/2/3: 020343 = 020:343 = each is palindrome 1943/2/10: 43210 = 4:3:2:1:0 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1943/2/15: 430215 = 430:215 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1943/3/1: 010343 = 010:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/2: 020343 = 020:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/3: 030343 = 030:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/4: 040343 = 040:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/4: 3443 = palindrome 1943/3/4: 43034 = palindrome 1943/3/4: 4334 = palindrome 1943/3/4: 4343 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1943/3/5: 050343 = 050:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/6: 060343 = 060:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/7: 070343 = 070:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/8: 080343 = 080:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/9: 090343 = 090:343 = each is palindrome 1943/3/23: 032343 = 03:23:43 = arthimetic series of increment 20 1943/4/3: 040343 = 040:343 = each is palindrome 1943/4/3: 3443 = palindrome 1943/4/3: 4343 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1943/4/19: 041943 = 041:943 = integer ratio of 1 to 23 1943/4/30: 043043 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1943/4/30: 430430 = cyclic permutation symmetric 1943/5/3: 050343 = 050:343 = each is palindrome 1943/5/6: 6543 = 6:5:4:3 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1943/5/24: 052443 = 05:24:43 = arthimetic series of increment 19 1943/6/3: 060343 = 060:343 = each is palindrome 1943/6/5: 6543 = 6:5:4:3 = arthimetic series of increment -1 1943/6/7: 194367 = 19:43:67 = arthimetic series of increment 24 1943/6/8: 8643 = 86:43 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1943/7/3: 070343 = 070:343 = each is palindrome 1943/7/25: 072543 = 07:25:43 = arthimetic series of increment 18 1943/8/3: 080343 = 080:343 = each is palindrome 1943/8/6: 4386 = 43:86 = integer ratio of 1 to 2 1943/8/6: 8643 = 86:43 = integer ratio of 2 to 1 1943/8/8: 194388 = 194:388 = integer ratio of 1 to 2 1943/8/12: 081243 = 081:243 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1943/9/3: 090343 = 090:343 = each is palindrome 1943/9/26: 092643 = 09:26:43 = arthimetic series of increment 17 1943/10/1: 431001 = 431:001 = integer ratio of 431 to 1 1943/10/13: 101343 = 101:343 = each is palindrome 1943/10/30: 301043 = 301:043 = integer ratio of 7 to 1 1943/11/1: 011143 = 011:143 = integer ratio of 1 to 13 1943/11/13: 111343 = 111:343 = each is palindrome 1943/11/27: 112743 = 11:27:43 = arthimetic series of increment 16 1943/12/8: 081243 = 081:243 = integer ratio of 1 to 3 1943/12/13: 121343 = 121:343 = each is palindrome